Refugee Action Collective (Vic)

Free the refugees! Let them land, let them stay!

Archives March 2021

Charge against Chris Breen dismissed

29 March 2021

Refugee Action Collective Victoria member Chris Breen has been found not guilty on the charge of incitement.

The charge was brought in relation to a Facebook event for a COVID-safe car convoy protesting the detention of Medevac refugees at the Mantra Hotel in the Melbourne suburb of Preston on 10 April 2020.

The charge was dismissed on the grounds that the police could not prove that the Facebook posts they relied upon had been made by Breen and not another member of the Refugee Action Collective (RAC), or had been made during the relevant time period.

Read our media release.

See the background to the case here.

RAC talking with the community

Every week, RAC supporters are out talking to people in the community at street stalls. You’re welcome to join in … or just drop by for a chat and to pick up the latest information.

To check times and locations for stalls in Hawthorn, Yarraville, Hampton and Brunswick, ring Helen on 0406 728 091.

To check times and locations for stalls in the city and South Melbourne, ring Peter on 0409 866 414.