No Mandate 4 Refugee Racism: Bring Them Here, Free Priya & Nades
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No Mandate for Refugee Racism – Bring the Refugees Here
Free Priya, Nades & Family
The return of the Morrison government is bad news for refugees.
Priya, Nades and their family now face imminent deportation, and the possibility of immediately getting 150 refugees off Manus and Nauru to NZ is off the table.
But there is no mandate for the refugee cruelty that has marked the last six years of Coalition rule. Refugees barely featured in the election campaign, Morrison has no mandate of his own. He has no mandate for indefinite detention, and no mandate for deportations to danger.
Morrison’s election is a setback but we know that this is a government that can be fought. Morrison was forced against his wishes to get kids of Nauru. That was won together in solidarity with the struggles of refugees themselves, by refusing to be silent, by being active on the streets, and in our workplaces and campuses. Join us this Friday to redouble our efforts to Free Priya, Nades & Family, to Close Manus and Nauru, and Bring the Refugees Here.
Call Chris on 0403 013 183 for more info