Refugee Action Collective (Vic)

Free the refugees! Let them land, let them stay!

Archives May 2019


The local Lorengau hospital is turning away refugee cases of self-harm and attempted suicide as the numbers being brought to the hospital continue to rise.

Local nurses are saying that the hospital cannot cope and that PIH (Pacific International Hospital), the medical service providers that run a GP clinic in one of the refugee compounds) is not doing enough to help.

At least six cases have been brought to the Lorengau hospital in the last 24 hours. One Iraqi asylum seeker in Hillside compound attempted to hang himself around 1.00am, Wednesday morning, but was cut down by a local guard.

Four of the self-harm cases involve refugees swallowing razor blades, and needles. One has badly slashed his head.

There have been over 23 cases of self-harm or attempted suicide on Manus (and more cases in Port Moresby, including some among those already hospitalised there) since the federal election on 18 May.

“While the government continues politicking with threats to move to repeal the Medivac Bill, Manus is being overwhelmed. After almost six years, the despair of indefinite detention has become too much,” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition, “The urgent medical and mental health cases need to be immediately evacuated to Australia, as the first step in finally closing Manus and Nauru.”

The Refugee Action Coalition is holding a protest/speak-out Friday, 31 May, 5.30pm, Sydney Town Hall, to highlight the situation on Manus, oppose the repeal of the Medivac Bill and call for all those on Manus and Nauru to be brought to Australia.

For more information contact Ian Rintoul 0417 275 713.
Refugee Action Coalition

Rally: 6 Years Too Long – Close Manus & Nauru – Bring Them Here


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6 Years Too Long – Close Manus & Nauru – Bring Them Here

The re-election of the Morrison government is a setback for refugees, but Morrison has no mandate for anti-refugee racism, and we know that this government can and must be fought.

The Coalition has presided over almost 6 years of cruelty to refugees on Manus and Nauru, including 12 deaths offshore. July 19 marks the 6th anniversary of Kevin Rudd’s announcement that “any asylum-seeker who arrives in Australia by boat will have no chance of being settled in Australia as refugees”. The announcement didn’t save Rudd then, and in 2019 Shorten emphasising how much Labor agreed with the Liberals on refugee policy did not stop Labor being defeated. Copying the cruelty, or going quiet is not a strategy for change.

Morrison was forced against his wishes to get kids of Nauru. That was won together in solidarity with the struggles of refugees themselves, by refusing to be silent, by being active on the streets, and in our workplaces and campuses. We need to take to the streets, now more than ever. We can build a refugee movement that can get everyone off Manus and Nauru. Join us on July 20 to be part of it.

Close the Camps

Bring The Refugees Here

End Deportations to Danger

Call Chris 0403 013 183 for more info

Post election strategy discussion for refugee rights movement


Facebook link:

Morrison’s election is a setback for refugees, but we know that this is a government that can be fought. Morrison was forced against his wishes to get kids of Nauru.

Come to a post-election strategy discussion hosted by the Refugee Action Collective, to discuss how we can strengthen the refugee movement to get everyone off Manus and Nauru.

We will discuss how we can respond to the re-elected Morrison government, why Morrison no mandate for anti-refugee racism, campaign priorities and ideas, and we will be organising the July 20 Bring Them Here rally

We will also have a comprehensive legal update.

Whether you are affiliated with a refugee activist /advocacy group or you are an independent activist, you are welcome to come along with your ideas. All refugee rights supporters welcome.

Call Chris on 0403 013 183 for more info