Due to the mistreatment of asylum seekers and refugees 5 submissions have been made to the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Australian’s leaders.
What are the submissions?
The submissions made so far have been been put forward by, or are associated with, 28 international lawyers and academics, one Australian MP, and 57 civil society groups and organisations. In total 5 submissions including RAC’s one have been made over the past 4 years. Submitters have asked the Prosecutor to launch an investigation into crimes against humanity which may have been committed against asylum seekers and refugees at the Immigration detention centres, especially the offshore ones on Manus Island, PNG (until it was closed on 31 October 2017) and Nauru. The alleged crimes include Deportation, Imprisonment (severe deprivation of liberty) and Torture (defined as the intentional infliction of severe mental or physical pain).
How you can help
- Read the 5 submissions
The submissions and accompanying documents can be found here. - Sign the open letter
After having read RAC’s submission you can record your support by signing the open letter and then send it directly to Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the ICC. - Write a witness statement
If you are or have been an asylum seeker, that is, an “Unauthorised Maritime Arrival” (UMA), if you work or have worked at a ‘detention centre’ (onshore or offshore), or if you help or have helped past or present UMAs – as a professional, a support group volunteer, an advocate, or a detention centre visitor – you might want to write a witness statement to support the 5 submissions already sent to the ICC.