Rally: Let Them Out, Let Them Stay – Free the Medevac Refugees!
Saturday 9 January at 2pm
Rally at the State Library on Swanston Street at 2pm, followed by a march to the Park Hotel for the 3pm protest.
Free the refugees! Let them land, let them stay!
Saturday 9 January at 2pm
Rally at the State Library on Swanston Street at 2pm, followed by a march to the Park Hotel for the 3pm protest.
You can support RAC’s work in different ways: buy a movie ticket, donate to RAC or purchase from our shop.
Police say they will fine refugee supporters $5000 each if they stand in pairs, 1.5 metres apart and wearing masks, outside the Mantra Bell City hotel.
RAC had planned to organise a series of COVID-safe gatherings, an hour apart, on Saturday 3 October to protest a Federal Government Bill that would deprive refugees and asylum-seekers in detention of their mobile phones.
RAC had also planned a media conference, which police say would also attract fines.
The in-person event has now been cancelled. RAC is considering ways in which the media conference might proceed.